Monday, March 3, 2008

When is the best time to run an Ad or send out a Product Release?

When is the best time to run an Ad or send out a Product Release?

First let me say, "There is no bad time!"

But let's get back to the question, "When is there a best time?"

There is no simple answer such as 2nd quarter or 3rd quarter.

Research by the Chaners Publishing Company showed that advertisers found only a 3.6% variation in response to their ads during an entire year when examined by quarters.

The Study examined 8,951,633 responses.

The results were by quarter:
January - March 26.1%
April - June 26.9%
July - September 23.7%
October - December 23.3%

Simply, there is no "Best" time and there is no "Bad" time to run an Ad or send out a Product Release!

Why the fluctuation? Why wasn't the fluctuation greater?
Some of the interesting questions we will explore in later postings.

Have a comment or need help with an Ad or Product Release send an E-Mail and say, "We need help with promoting our products!"

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